My Zero Carbon

The best time to act is now!

FREE home insulation (UK)
2022-08-16 13:09 Energy Company Obligation (ECO) Scheme  2022- 2027 - FREE energy saving measures paid for by your UK energy provider. The UK Government extended the list of people eligible!   update 14 Sep 2022 - ...
How to STAY COOL during heat waves..
2022-07-15 17:41 Tips for adapting to Climate Change during extreme heat waves   Do this to keep the coolest room 10 degree Celsius cooler than the maximum temperature on a very hot day..   You will need at least ...
Climate-friendly seasonal food - December
2021-12-01 10:55 Eating food in season has many benefits: 1. Fresh and healthy food 2. Better prices - safe money! 3. Lower food miles -  home-grown, from your country or region 4. Support local growers     Sea...
Climate Actions making a big difference
2021-08-16 10:21 Which Climate Action will make the biggest difference? On 9 August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its Sixth Assessment Report. For more on this report, please see my ...
climate-friendly seasonal food - August
2021-08-01 09:14 Eating food in season has many benefits: 1. Fresh and healthy food 2. Better prices - safe money! 3. Lower food miles -  home-grown, from your country or region 4. Support local growers     S...
Extend your car-free range with an ebike
2021-07-26 13:45 This is a climate change saver big hitter!   I bought myself an ebike.   When I return to office working in the autumn, I will use it to commit to work every day. It will save me 0.9t CO2 each yea...
Ditch the car - Cycle!
2021-07-12 15:16 Cycling has many benefits 1. Improve your physical and mental health 2. Better air quality 3. Less noise 4. No need to find a car park 5. No parking costs 6. Save on petrol and car repairs   -...
Eat Food in Season
2021-07-05 15:07 Eating food in season has many benefits: 1. Fresh and healthy food 2. Better prices - safe money! 3. Lower food miles -  home-grown, from your country or region 4. Support local growers   These ...
Video: Reduce your milk carbon footprint
2021-05-13 11:46 Comparing the Carbon footprint of dairy milk with milk alternatives   Short youtube video: Reduce your milk carbon footprint - climate change action © MyZeroCarbon (1:01)   You can reduce your c...