This video introduces the My Zero Carbon project and my motivation to communicate more on the need to take action on Climate Change.
Intro to My Zero Carbon, a Climate Change action project: (6:45)
For more information, please follow My Zero Carbon on Facebook or Twitter @Myzerocarbon or read other articles on my blog.
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#climateaction #actonclimate #solar #heatwave #energy #climate #renewables #netzero #RacetoZero #renewableenergy #solarpower #climatejustice #cop26 #ClimateEmergency #globalwarming
All images used in the videos respect copyrights. Images are from CCO1 licence websites including Pexels, Pixaby and Public Domain Vectors. Some images are from Yay Images and Moovly, for which I have a commercial use licence.
S.D.G. 2021.
My Zero Carbon Climate Action is a registered Charity in England & Wales (number 1208976)
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© 2024