My Zero Carbon

The best time to act is now!

How to STAY COOL during heat waves..
2022-07-15 17:41 Tips for adapting to Climate Change during extreme heat waves   Do this to keep the coolest room 10 degree Celsius cooler than the maximum temperature on a very hot day..   You will need at least ...
Celebrating Year 1
2022-05-01 07:36 Celebrating the First Year of My Zero Carbon A personal reflection of the Project Manager, Dr Ingo Schüder Download a copy of the 2021/22 annual report. What an incredible journey it has been! As ...
Annual Report 2021/22
2022-04-27 09:10 Annual report for the financial year 2021/22.   My Zero Carbon published the annual report for the calendar year 2021 in January 2021 (written in a more personal style).   Here is the annual repor...
Annual Report 2021
2022-01-31 14:58 I have published the 2021 annual report.   You can read the details here
Climate Central Flood Risk Maps
2022-01-30 14:55 Climate Central has published a Coastal Risk Screening Tool.   The interactive maps show you the land at risk to be under the flood level across the globe for any future decade in the 21st century a...
Climate-friendly seasonal food - December
2021-12-01 10:55 Eating food in season has many benefits: 1. Fresh and healthy food 2. Better prices - safe money! 3. Lower food miles -  home-grown, from your country or region 4. Support local growers     Sea...
First climate videos now on TikTok
2021-10-29 17:02 Reaching younger audiences | Another social media milestone for My Zero Carbon. To reach younger audiences as well, today we launched the first video on the social video platform TikTok   The first...
Climate Change Myth Buster
2021-10-18 09:51 My Zero Carbon has produced a video that can help you to have conversations with "climate sceptic" friends, family, colleagues or neighbours and/or help you to improve your own understanding of Climat...
Video: What is Climate Change?
2021-09-04 10:30 MyZeroCarbon has published two new videos!   Short explainer video: What is Climate Change? (7:14)   Longer video: What is Climate Change? with extra detail (12:53)   This video covers four ques...
Climate Actions making a big difference
2021-08-16 10:21 Which Climate Action will make the biggest difference? On 9 August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its Sixth Assessment Report. For more on this report, please see my ...
IPCC 6th assessment Report
2021-08-09 13:22 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published its Sixth Assessment Report today (9 Aug 2021)   The main page with full report, summary reports and other material is here:   A shor...
climate-friendly seasonal food - August
2021-08-01 09:14 Eating food in season has many benefits: 1. Fresh and healthy food 2. Better prices - safe money! 3. Lower food miles -  home-grown, from your country or region 4. Support local growers     S...